100% Whey Gold Standard is the top selling protein powder in North America. Optimum Nutrition (ON)is the largest sports nutrtition brand in North American and is owned by Glanbia an International Dairy Company based in Ireland, which also recently purchased BSN.
100% Whey falls in the category of a Whey Blend, it is made up of a combination of Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) and Whey Protein Concentrate. This allows for high protein levels and reduced carbs and fat, although not to the levels of a pure isolate. This also allows for a lower price point than a pure isolate. Many think the point of the blend category is to confuse consumers into thinking they are buying an isolate but I think the value of a blend actually is beneficial when you don't have endless supplies of money.
Since I review the Kaizen in a Vanilla flavor I though it best to stick with the theme so I can compare apples to apples as it were.
Protein Blend (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Peptides)Natural and Arificial Flavors, Lecithin, Salt, Acesulfame Potassium, Aminogen, Sucralose, Lactase.Nutritional Profile
Serving Size: 31 gCalories: 120
Fat: 1 g
Carbs: 4 g
Protein: 24g
Protein by weight: 77%
Taste and Mixing
The French Vanilla flavor is more like an ice cream flavor as opposed to the true vanilla flavor of Kaizen. It is a good flavor with no discernible after taste, it mixed easily in a shaker cup. I've learned with shakers to do water first then powder, this avoids clumping at the bottom of the cup. It created a smooth drink, not too thick and not too watery when mixed in 250 ml water.100% Whey contains digestive enzymes, I personally have no problem with Whey or milk products so I can't speak to if they provide any benefits, digestive enzymes seem to be more common in protein blends and concentrates.
100% Whey can be purchased at a very reasonable price, 2lb for $21.99 on bodybuilding.com it mixes easily with water, has a very good taste and decent nutritional value. Head to head with Kaizen they are pretty equal on all account though Kaizen achieves it's flavor with natural flavors so I give them a slight edge there. However Optimum has a broad range of flavor options to choose from so if you like variety in shake flavor there is pretty much something for you in the 100% Whey line up. Overall a good buy.Score: 8/10 *
* The nutritional information varies between flavors, I would rate other some flavors higher than the French Vanilla Creme due to better profiles.
Optimum Gold Standard 100% Whey - 5 Lbs. - French Vanilla Creme